New Kids on the Block
Riverbend Music Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
June 27, 2009

My dad and I were visiting my sister in Cleveland. We spent the morning hanging out with my sister and her in laws. Her mother in law made everyone hot dogs on the grill. After lunch, We left Cleveland around 1. We made a stop in Columbus for a break and to feed my cats and scoop the litter box. It didn't seem too long to get to Cincinnati. Just before Cincinnati, there was a Big Boy. Dad wanted to eat there. I couldn't really find anything to eat there. Maybe I was too excited/nervous to eat. After dad ate, walked over to the gas station next door to get me a bottle of water for the concert. 

When we got to Riverbend, we parked where everyone else was parking which turned out to be the parking for Coney Island. We went to a side gate where they were letting people in who had tickets to find out where to get my 4* package. They told us to take the walkway up to the front gate and there will be a Will Call window. I picked up my ticket at Will Call then told Dad I should head inside so I had time to get a tee shirt & find the bathroom. The line for the merchandise table was long so I went to the bathroom real quick. Waiting in line for my tee shirt didn't seem to take very long but it was very hot. 

After I got my tee shirt, I went to find my seat : Section 300, Row I, Seat 301. I was right on the aisle. I was surprised how good it was since I bought my  4* package a week later. I would have been even closer if I had thought of getting 4* the day it went on sale but I had no idea I was going until a week later. I sat in my seat for a while looking for people I thought I saw before. I only saw one person but she was busy. The seat next to me was empty for a while. Two girls came and sat in the seats after the empty seat next to me. One of the girls introduced herself to me I think her name was Amy. She asked where I was from. I told her I was from Columbus but I had drove from Cleveland and how it took about 4 hours. I told her how Dad drove me to the show as a birthday present. They went to get some drinks and she asked if I would watch their things and I said I would. After they got back, I see a woman and a toddler with big headphones on walk down the aisle to the front of section 300. When he walked back by, I smiled and waved and he grinned at me. The girl behind me held out her hand and he gave her a high five. Amy asked me if I knew who that was and I said I didn't. She told me it was Barrett and Griffin. I texted my sister (since Joe is her fave) to tell her I had just seen Joe's wife and son. He was so cute. The seat next to me was still empty so Amy slid down to the empty seat. 

The show started with the Jabbawockeez. I love them! Everyone screamed every time they played a Michael Jackson song. Jesse McCartney was next.

During the break,  Amy and her friend went to get drinks. She asked if I would watch her stuff again and also offered to get me something to drink but I still had drink left so I declined. So nice though. 

It was TIME! Amy said, "Here we go!" 

New Kids on the Block!!
They opened with Full Service. I missed part of the beginning because some
HUGE NKOTB body guard was blocking my view when he was standing in front of me a couple rows up making a girl delete her videos from her video camera. Good thing I was on the aisle because I could stand there and look around him. I also had to use the aisle a bit when some girls had signs up too. The girl behind me was too when an usher made her go back then she pointed to the girls with signs and the usher told them to put them away. whew

Set List:
Close to You/Intro
Full Service
My Favorite Girl
The Right Stuff
Didn't I Blow Your Mind
Valentine Girl
Please Don't Go Girl
Dirty Dancing
If You Go Away
Stare At You
I'll Be There/MJ Tribute
Cover Girl
Give It To You
5 Brothers and A Million Sisters
Band Intro
Click x3
I'll Be Loving You
NKOTB Intro/ One Song
Step By Step
Hangin' Tough

They played a part of a scene from the Dirty Dancing movie before they sang it. It was the part where Patrick Swayze says, "Nobody puts baby in the corner." That song they were singing in the movie had the fans singing very loudly to it. 

Jordan had Jabbawockeez on stage with him. I missed BIBIY though.

After Joe sang Popsicle, he said, "Happy now." to the crowd. heehee

5 Brothers and A Million Sisters was amazing. 

Everyone sang along to their MJ Tribute. 

I wasn't close enough to get confetti this time :(

My seats were awesome for watching but not so good for picture taking. Must be my camera :) I got a good video of the beginning though. woot

It was an awesome concert. I miss them. 

After the concert was over, I went to find my Dad. He was waiting for me outside the main gate. He told me he almost lost his waiting spot because since Coney Island closed at 10, he wasn't allowed to wait for me on the benches. A policeman came by and told him the park was closed. My dad told him he was waiting for his daughter at the concert. The officer asked if I knew where the car was parked and he told him no so he let him stay there. whew

We drove all the way back to Columbus after the show. I slept the whole way home. We didn't get home until 1:30 am. ahhh memories :)

Let's Continue This!